Денис: Cоболезнования. Dennis: Condolences.

Dear friends!
Our deepest thanks to all of you who have written warm and loving words about Dennis.
Nothing can bring him back, but while we remember him, he lives in our hearts.
You are always very welcome to write more words or other info to the Dennis site.
Please, send it by e-mail: alb@dmi.dk or use the 'Guest Book' or 'Forum' on the web-site.
Dennis' family

20 Feb 2005
Svein H. Sørensen, Svanvik, Norway <sveihars@frisurf.no>
Subject: Condolence

Dear Olga and Alexander
Coming home yesterday from a "visiting trip" to family and friends in southern Norway, we got your e-mail about yours son Dennis' death.
Hereby we send to you our deeply felt condolence. We know your sorrow and your want, because we are parents - also to boys.
In Kiruna, in September 2004, Siwert told me that "something" very sad had happen in your family. He did not know so much, but said some words about a childs death. Therefore it was not possible for you to take part in the seminary.
I remember Dennis as a small boy, may be 4 - 5 years old, when I was visiting your home in Apatity, - in 1991 or 1992 I think.
That is a memory of an active boy, who did not understand why we were talking English ! That is my only memory of Dennis, but a very positive meeting.
Best greetings to you from the Pasvik Valley,
Inger-Johanne and Svein.
17 Feb 2005
Adolf and Barbara Ebel, Germany

We never met Dennis. But we are extremely touched by his fate, since our nephew was killed by a car when he was just walking along a street on Fuerteventura. He was in the same age like Dennis, so much loved by his parents, friendly, bright. We suffer with Dennis' parents and all who were around him and feel great sympathy. 
14 Jan 2005
Mats-Olov Olsson, Umeå, Sweden

Dear Sasha,
We heard the tragic news about your son's death from Stella Sevander sometime during the early autumn. It was really a shock, so sad and horrible to think about that we could hardly cope with it. We kept thinking how it would be if something similar happened to one of our sons. I cannot say how much I feel sorry for you. Please forgive us for not contacting you earlier, but I think you understand since I realized (from our experience with Marianne's accident) that people's shock and grief can take so many different expressions and sometime trigger really unexpected (irrational or inadequate) behavior.
We hope that you can find the strength to go on despite what has happened. It is not yet possible, of course, to believe that things will go back to "normal", but it seems that given enough time human
beings are capable of coping even when they have to face the most traumatic events.
What is your situation today, are you able to do some work? How is Olga and what about Nikita? I understand that this has taken him very hard.
I hope this year before it is over will bring you some consolation and hope for the future despite the deep sorrow caused by Dennis' tragic death.
All the best, Mats-Olov
8 Sep 2004
Andreas Skouloudis, Ispra, Italy 
Subject: With grief I am sending our sympathy

Dear Alexander,
I came back only yesterday and with grief and sorrow read your email of August 19th, concerning the accident of your son.
Although under these circumstances there are no words to describe the feelings of a person, I would like to send on behalf of my family the deepest sorrow for this great loss.
Although in times like these the work-therapy might help (seven years ago I also had to confront the same difficulties when my wife died and I had to brink-up alone my daughter who was 11 by that time, and I also used the same solution).
However, in moments of drifting, I would like to reassure you that the minds and prays of all your friends, colleagues and myself will be there with you to assist.
With great sympathy for this loss.
Family of Andreas N. Skouloudis
11 Sep 2004  
Зберовский А.В., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraina <zberovsk@nmu.org.ua>

Саша, Оля!
Вчера приехал из командировки и прочитал Ваше письмо...
Даже не знаю что и говорить в такой ситуации. Это страшно и очень неправильно, когда с нашими детьми такое происходит...
Сочувствуем и скорбим вместе с Вами. Не могу поверить, что такое могло случиться. 
Вчера с Таней весь вечер только об этом  думали и грустили..., а сегодня с детьми побывал на могиле моего деда, помянули ушедших от нас. Обязательно всей семьей помянём 15 сентября Дениса, сходим в Преображенский собор и поставим свечи. 
У моего двоюродного брата в  прошлом году тоже погиб сын - он только начал учиться в Свердловском университете. Случайно проходил в городе мимо здания где милиция арестовывала каких-то бандитов. Кто-то начал стрелять и двух прохожих убили, один из них  оказался мой племянник... Нелепая смерть. Парня похоронили, а виновного до сих пор так и не нашли!? Вот такая сегодня у нас жизнь ...
Примите наши соболезнования, мужайтесь и держитесь вместе. Пусть в дальнейшем судьба будет милостлива к Нашим семьям.
Пишите если нужна какая-либо помощь.
Александр, Татьяна
10 Sep 2004
Бакланов А.В., Moscow <Baklanov_AV@mail.ru> 

Privet, Sasha.
Ja  zavtra  uezzhaju  k  roditeljam - poka mama v bol'nice, ja dolzhen ukhazhivat' za otcom.
No pros'bu tvoju ne zabyl. Moja dorogaja tjoscha zakazala v kuncevskoj cerkvi pominaniej Denisa na 15-e sentjabria.
Izvini, esli ja projavil izlishnjuju iniciativu, no svechi poobeschali posnavit' i moi kollegi - Semen Minchin - na Sviatoj Zemle v Khajfe, i Sasha  Khoroshun v Kalgari (Kanada). A ja vspomniu Denisa v Kaluzhskoj oblasti. Pust' zemlia emu budet pukhom.
13 Sep 2004 
E.L. Genikhovich, St.-Petersburg <ego@main.mgo.rssi.ru>   

Dorogie Sasha i Olya!
Net slov, chtoby vyrazit' moi uzhas i glubochaishee vam sochuvstvie v svyazi s bezvremennoi smertju Dani. Utrata chudovishchnaya i uteshat' nevozmozhno.
Ya ponimayu vashe gore osobenno gluboko potomu chto u menya v 1968 godu v vozraste 25 let umerla moya mladshaya sestra. Bol' etoi utraty ya chuvstvuyu do sikh por, a moikh roditeley, osobenno moyu mamu, eto neschast'e prosto slomalo. Ya umolyau vas vyderzhat' i ne slomat'sya - ne govorya o chem drugom, u vas est' eshche odin syn, o kotorom vy obyazany dumat'.  Ni o kakom lechenii vremenem rechi byt' ne mozhet, no bol' mozhno nauchitsya terpet'.
Vash, Zhenya
Torben Mikkelsen, Risoe

Dear Sasha,
I have just learned from Bent that it was your son of all persons who drowned in Copenhagen this summer. I feel deeply sorry with you and your wife and understand maybe more than many others what you must go through in these hard times. My deepest condolences. You know I am at home on sabbatical from Risø¸ these days/month to take care of my incurable ill wife – it’s hard too I can tell you as there is no hope for her. Lets stay close together under these incredible hard times-but we will come out in the light again some day.
Best wishes from Torben 
Igor Esau, Bergen, Norway

Dorogoj Aleksandr,
udary sudby tem boleznenee chem menshe ih zdesh. 20 let - kak raz vremja smotret v buduschee i stroit plany, ... i vse neozidanno preryvaetsja po sovershenno nelepoy i daze nevozmoznoy sluchaynosti. Vashe sostojanie ponjatno i nikakie slova uteshenia ne smogut vernut vse nazad. No budem pomnit, cho otchizna nasha na nebesah. My vse prihodim v etot mir lish na vremja i otez nash nebesny ne oboydet nas svoey lubovju. V goresti i radosti vy ne dolzny zabyvat peredovat etu lubov tem kto vokrug vas. Vam est komu ee peredat - ne zabyvayte ob etom.
My pomjanem vashego sina v tihom semejnom krugu. 26go avgusta u nas rodilsja sin - Andreas, tak chto my poka privjazany k domu i ne mozem ezdit daleko.
Primite nashi soboleznovanija,
isskrenny s vami, Igor i Oxana
Volodya Alexeev, Alaska, USA <valexeev@iarc.uaf.edu>

s uzhasom uznal ot tebya etu novost'. Predstavit' sebe ne mogu, chto vy seichas tam vse perezhivaete. Moi samye iskrennie soboleznovaniya.
Ne mogu naiti nikakih slov, chtoby skazat' chto-to, chtoby vam stalo legche. Teryat' samyh blizkih liudei ochen' tyazhelo.
Zhizn' b'et nas ochen' sil'no, i tuda, gde vsego bol'nee. I samoe strashnoe, nichego nel'zya s etim podelat'.
Moi poklony Ol'ge i Nikite.
Krepko vseh obminaiu, Volodya.
Galina Nesterova, Novosibirsk:

Olya i Sasha!
 Predstavit' sluchivsheesja ne vozmojno, i kak perejit'- ne znaju.
 Denisa pomnju malen'kim, kak   Olya vodila ego v sadik. Spasibo, chto izvestili. Pomoch', ispavit' chto-libo  nel'zja, kak uzasno!
 Objazatel'no pomyanu Denisa.
Alexander & Natasha Gutsol, USA

Zdravstvuyte, Sasha i Olya (slovo "zdravstvuyte" snova priobretaet svoy glubokiy iskonnyy smysl).
Poteri byvayut raznye, no eto, vidimo, samaya strashnaya. My vam iskrenne sochuvstvuem i soboluznuem.
Vchera, kogda ya poluchil eto izvestie, Natasha letela syuda iz Rossii, i ya ne risknul otvechat' srazu, chtoby ne sglazit', skazav, chto nas poka Bog miluet. Poka miluet.
Vam mogu pozhelat' muzhestva derzhat'sya i pomnit', chto Denis u vas byl ne edinstvennyy syn, poetomu zhizn' vse esche polna smysla i prodolzhaetsya.
My s vami, naskol'ko eto vozmozhno za 10,000 km.
Irina & Ilja Rodushkiny, Luleå, Sweden
Olja, Sasha
Primite nashi sobolesnovania.
Trudno najti slova kotorie mogli bi vas uteshit.
Pomnyu Denisky rebenkom, vsegda bil slavnim, ymnim, dobrim malchikom.
Tjarstvo emy nebesnoe.
Irina, Ilja
Peder Axensten, Umeå, Sweden:

Alexander, Olga, Nikita,
We are chocked. I don't think I really understand how such a think is possible. I don't know what to say...
We will remember him the 15:th and many other days too.
We are so sorry.
Peder, Vika, Edvin
Katja Viventsova (Ruth), Canada

Olja, Sasha, Nikita,
Net slov... Da i ne pomogut nikakie slova... Uzhasno! Protivoestestvenno!
Pomnju Denisku kak my s nim igrali v badminton u vas v sadu... Ne mogu poverit'!
Tanjuha tozhe v shoke... Peredaet ogromnyj privet vam. Ona planirovala poehat' v vashi kraja, povidat' mal'chishek...
My objazatel'no pomjanem Denisku.
Obnimaju, Katja
Elena Klychnikova, Apatity

Саша, Оля, добрый день.
Мы очень переживаем вашу трагедию. Примите наши самые искренние соболезнования. 
Завтра мы с Володей обязательно поедем в церковь и поставим свечи.
Крепитесь, Лена
Sergey Morozov, Apatity

Dorogiye Olya i Sasha,
Ya tol'ko segodnya sel k kompu (bil v bol'nice), poetomu i otvechayu s opozdaniem, izvinite.
!5-go chisla ya vspominal o Denise, i vsey vashey semye. Znaete, a ved' moya mama ego horosho pomnit (ved' nashi deti takogo zge vozrasta)! 2 poslednih goda ya k ney ezdil - kazhdiy raz sprashivaet o Baklanovih, i dazhe pomnit kak Olya ostavlyala Denisku u nas na korotkoe vremya...
Ya vse ravno volnuyus', ne mogu ponyat', pochemu zhizn' tak zhestoka.
Rebyata, skorblyu s vami. Beregite sebya! Vsego vam horoshego. Eto vidimo god takoy.
Mikhail V. Kozlov, Turku, Finland

Dorogie Sasha i Olya,
Ja dolgo byl v ot'ezde, pochtu poluchil tol'ko seichas... Primite moi samye iskrennie soboleznovaniya. Ja zatrudnyajus' predstavit' vashe sostojanie, odnako mogu skazat' lish' odno - derzhites'! Zhizn' prodolzhaetsya nesmotrya ni na chto, i u vas est' radi kogo i radi chego zhit' na etom svete.
Myslenno vmeste,
Dmitrii Mironov, Offenbach am Main, Germany

Dorogie Sasha i Olya!
primite moi sobolesnovanija. Trduno kak-to pomoch' v takoj uzhasnoj bede, da, navernoje, i nevosmozhno.
Vse my, vashi drusya i snakomyje, pomnim o vas i poderzhivajem vas. Derzhites', muzhestva vam.
Vash, DM
Guri Marchuk, Moscow < guri@inm.ras.ru >

Дорогие Саша и Оля,
Примите наши глубокие соболезнования по поводу трагической смерти дорогого сына.
Мы скорбим вместе с Вами.
Гурий Иванович и Ольга Николаевна Марчук
Evgueni Gordov, Tomsk, Russia
Dear Alexander,
I am presenting my heartfelt sincere condolences to you.
Being at the edge while my son was in Afghanistan during 1,5 years I understand your feeling.
With warm regards, Evgueni
José Luis Palau, Valencia, Spain

Dear Alexander,
The terrible notice shocked all of us. We are really sorry and we hope you and your family will face up to your woe and that you will overcome it soon.
It is really difficult for me to express what I feel in english (I'm specially sorry about that in these moments), but be sure that you are present in my thoughts and that you have all my condolences.
My best wishes, Jose Luis
Frank Parker, International Institute for Applied  Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

Dear Alexander and Olga,
I was so sorry to learn from Serge Medow of the tragic loss of your son. No one who has not gone through such a loss can realize the full magnitude but I want you to know how grieved we are by such  a loss. We can only hope that with time the pain will become less acute.
My wife, Elaine, and I would do anything we can to help you through this horrendous experience. So feel free to call upon us if we can help in any way.
Our best wishes for only happy occasions in the future.
Elaine and Frank
Michael Schatzmann, Hamburg, Germany

Dear Alexander,
I did not know until now and I am completely shocked.
I am very sorry and feel with you as a father of 2 children of about the same age.
Please accept my deepest sympathy.
Rafael Oganesyan, Toronto, Canada

Dorogie Sasha i Olya!!
Ja ochen obradovalsa, uvidev v jaschike tvoe pismo, pozval Irishu, chtoby prochitat vmeste i, i vdrug kak grom sredy jasnogo neba-takoe strashnoe, nepopravimoe neschastie!! Dorogie, bednye rebiata!!
My vam iskrenne soboleznuem, i ochen horosho ponimaem vashi chuvstva i vashe sostojanie!! Znaite chto my s vami toje perejivaem vashu poteru, ja pomnu tvoih synovei ochen horosho eshe po Vene, takie slavnye i razumnye rebiata!! 15-go my budem s vami, pomianem bezvremenno ushedshego raba bojego Denisa-pust zemlia emu budet puhom, amin.
Dorogie Sasha i Olya!! Derjites, kak by ni bylo tiajelo i  bolno, derjites. Nado jit dalshe, vremja vspiat ne povernesh, proshlogo ne izmenish. Znaite, my s vami.
Vashi Rafik, Ira, Karina i Gayane Oganesyan
Egor Dmitriev, Oslo, Norway

Dorogie Olga i Aleksandr!
My potrajaseny soobsheniem o postigshem vas neschastje!
Takuju tajzheluju utratu nevozmozhno vospolnit.
Znaite chto vy v nashih mysliah i serdcah, i esli my mozhem chto nibud dlia vas sdelat, daite nam znat lubym sposobom.
Egor i semja Dmitrievyh
Masha Baklanova, Moscow

Dorogie Sasha, Olya i Nikita,
primite ot vsey nashey sem'y samye iskrennie soboleznovaniya... Hotya kakie slova mogut uteshit v takom gore...
S mamoy cvyazalis moi kollegi, my pomyanuli Denisa v cerkvi, postavili svechku... Segodnya - perviy den na rabote, srazu sela za pismo.
Kogda starye ludi uhodyat - i to kajetsya, chto ne dojili, ne uspeli... A tut... Dergites', pojaluysta, dorogie...
Kira, Tatiana, Sergey, Masha, Sergey.
Васильева Татьяна, Yaroslavl, Russia

Sasha! Ya ponimau Vashe gore. Ljenya mne mnogo rasskazival o tvoih detyah, poetomu ya ih zaochno uvagau.
Ljene ya pozvonu zavtra, sei'chas nabrala ego kafedru, no tam uge nikogo net. 15-go mi zdes' soberemsya Denisa pomyanut'.
Sasha, pishi, ne propadai'.
Васильева Татьяна

Privet, Alexander!
Mi s Lenei' Bakulinim segodnya hodili v cerkov, postavili svechku Denisu i zakazali pominalnuu molitvu. Lenya obeshal napisat vam pismo, chtobi ya ego pereslala. Mi tak i sdelaem, esli uspeem: s 20-go ya v otpuske i uedu na ug. Tak chto nekotoroe vremya pisat' ne budu. No ti, please, pishi, ya vernus' - otvechu.
Dergites'! Tanya
Vladimir Osipov, Dubna

Sasha, ty menya prosto ubil etim pis'mom. Sam otets i ponimayu, chto nikakie slova zdes' ne pomogut, no vse zhe primite nashi (moi i Leny) samye iskrennie soboleznovaniya. Obyazatel'no
pomyanem v tserkvi, pust' hot' dushe ego budet pokojno tam. Derzhis' sam, podderzhi Olyu i Nikitu.
U moego luchshego druga detstva mnogo let nazad v Pitere pogibla pod tramvaem edinstvennaya doch' v vozraste 16 let. On tak i ne smog etogo perezhit', ochen' krepko p'et. Izbavi Bog tebya i Olyu ot chego-libo podobnogo. Krepites', hotya by radi Nikity.
Skorbim s Vami,
Volodya, Lena
Vladimir Osipov

Sasha, 15-go pomyanuli Denisa, a na zavtra (den' blizhajshej sluzhby) zakazaly panihidu i Sorokoust za upokoj v hrame Ioanna Predtechi v Dubne. Volodya
Baklanov A.V., Moscow

Privet, Sasha.
Ty  menia  potrias  do  glubiny  dushi  svoim  soobscheniem!!! Chto za neschastnyj  god? Ja testia pokhoronil, dochka edva nogi ne lishilas', otec byl pri smerti, mama popala v onkologiju...
Ja  vam  ochen'  soboleznuju.  Naverno  vozrast  takoj podoshel, kogda obostrenno chuvstvuesh khrupkost' zhizni. Krepites'.
Bud'te zdorovy. Beregite sebia. Vy - ochen' krasivaja sem'ja.
Vinogradov A.N., Apatity

Dear Ol'ga and Sasha !
Please accept our most deep feeling of sorrow.
We were shocked by tragic info, and our hearts are fulled up by condolences.
Galina & Anatoly Vinogradov
Евгений Беляновский, Moscow

Саша, привет!
С огромным интересом прочитал статью о Денисе, и был совершенно потрясен обстоятельствами его гибели.
Я представлял это совершенно иначе. Рядом были люди и ничего не сделали - это не люди.
Я недавно (прошлой зимой) потерял одного из самых близких мне людей, которого знал 20 лет, с которым мы и в КСП ходили, и в одной байдарке лет 8 каждые майскик праздники - Диму Иванова, отца двоих детей. Его зарезал наркоман.  Ты представляешь, я на его похоронах выпил более 1,5 литров водки, но она меня не взяла.
Так вот, сын Димы Иванова Мишка считает меня своим вторым отцом - года 4 назад в майском походе мы кильнулись в пороге, и его отца унесло потоком, а Мишка висел в перевернутой байдарке вниз головой в полном ступоре. Я, естественно, в таких обстоятельствах забил на все и занялся Мишкой. Мне удалось  поднырнуть, выдернуть его из лодки и выкинуть на берег поскорее, пока ему не дало камнем по голове или он не захлебнулся.  Счет шел, как ты понимаешь, на секунды (лодка неслась по камням в перевернутом виде, а Мишка висел вниз головой). С берега один из наших это снял на видео. Но ни я, ни наши товарищи по походу не считаем, что я совершил что-то особенное - у нас это считается нормой.  Кстати сказать, вся группа  - байдарок 5 - тут же сгрудилась вокруг нас и в потоке нас страховали.  И таких ситуаций у меня часто и густо, все-таки я два раза в год хожу в водные походы, несмотря на возраст и не такое, как раньше, здоровье. Любое действие, где есть опасность для жизни, в обязательном порядке страхуется  (это не финансовая страховка, а техническая). И само собой, рядом нет равнодушных.
А как же иначе?
Похоже, есть все-таки разница  в качестве людей в России и на Западе. У нас я просто не могу себе такое представить.
Ну да ладно, для вас сейчас самое главное - вернуться к жизни. Напиши, как успехи у Никиты.
Amosov Pavel V., Apatity

Sasha i Olya.
Vchera vernulis' v Apatity. Iz pervogo istochnika ne poverili. Pozvonil v ecologiuy.
Chto-to neveroaytnoe. My prosto byli v shoke. Tak ne dolzhno byt'.
Primite nashi samye iskrennie soboleznovaniay. Skorbim vmeste s vami.
Nuzhna li kakaay-to pomochsh'?
Jørgen Brandt, Roskilde

Dear Alexander
I heard the very bad news yesterday and I can not tell you how sorry I am to hear that your son died. You should know that we think about you a lot and feel with you in these hard conditions and that you should not hesistate to contact us, if there is anything we can do anything to help you. I have also tried suddenly to loose a close family member, even though I also know, that there is nothing that can be compared to loosing a child....
Nicolas Moussiopoulos, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece

Dear Alexander,
Please accept my most sincere condolences for this personal tragedy. May God help you overcome this situation.
Best regards,
Fay Barbara, Offenbach, Germany

Dear Alexander,
the sudden death of your son Dennis is very shocking, and we feel very sad for you and your family.
It is terrible for parents to loose a child and especially at such an early age where life just really starts in full!
After the kick-off meeting and our pub visit in Copenhagen, you told Barbara that you were looking forward to meeting your grown son, and the impression was that you were very fond of him and got along together well - so this makes all even worse.
There is little consolation,  but we wish you and your family strength, courage  and patience to live through these hard times.
With our best thoughts and wishes,
Barbara and Lina 
Norvald Bjergene, Oslo, Norway

Dear Alexander,
I am very sorry to here about what have happened. It was really a shock to hear. My most deep felt condolences to you and your family.
Best regards, Norvald
Marco Deserti, Bologna, Italy

Dear Alexander
It was really terrible for me to receive the new of your tragedy.
I have no appropriate words to communicate you how I am sorry for that.
I am near to you Alexander.
Regards, Marco
Roberta De Maria, Italy

Dear Alexander,
I'm really very sorry for what happened to you during the last period. You are right, this is the worse thing that parents may happen to face, and that only people having sons can properly understand (and that I can only imagine, not having children myself).
The only thing I can do is to wish you and everyone who loved your son to find in his memory the strenght to keep on with the everyday life.
Best regards, Roberta
Guy Schayes, Louvain, Belgium

Very dear Alexander,
My God, what do you say !! Please accept my deepest sympathy for this unrepairable lost.
Loosing a child for any reason is surely the worst thing that can happen in life.
The hole left will never be filled. However, life goes on and one has to accept it, how difficult it can be.
I heartly wish you and your wife great courage.
Mathias Rotach, Switzerland

Dear Alexander
Coming back to my office I find your mail with your terrible news. I am deeply moved and somewhat without words. I only know that it must have been terrible and incredible for you, whatever it was that happened. You will have to start learning to live with the idea that the time you have actually had with your son will have to live in your memory for him - however hard this is to accept.
I simply  wanted you to know that you have all my sympathy. I really wish you all the strength necessary in these terrible and hard days and I hope that you can find faith in the thought that life will continue, even if it never will be as before.
With my warmest regards, Mathias
Patrice Mestayer, Nantes, France

Dear Alexander
Do receive my most warmly and friendly regards in this terrible opportunity.
Courage is the only thing you need and I would be happy to send some to you through this mail.
Kind Regards, Patrice
Ekaterina Batchvarova, UK

Dear Sasha,
I am so sorry you that had to go through this sorrow and that your son had to leave this life. I sincerely condole with you and your wife!
Work is something that can make time pass faster, but is not important in such period of life. And FUMAPEX is going fine, so it will continue easily with less devotion.
It is hard to believe what you say. Sorry!
Sincerely, Ekaterina
Sandro Finardi, Milano, Italy

Dear Alexander,
I just read my email getting back to work after my summer holydays and I am shocked by the news of the tragedy that hit your family.
Any word sounds stupid with such an event and I can't even imagine the despair that you are suffering.
Anyway I would like to tell you that I fell close to you with the (possible) comprehension of a father of two young children.
an ambrace, Sandro
Millán M. Millán, Valencia, Spain

Dear Alex,
This morning I returned to my office after a short holiday and found your August 19th email with the sad news about your son Dennis.
I remember that the last time we were together we talked about our respective families and you, of course, referred to your soon.
I suppose all I can say at this time is that I am really sad about your loss and I hope you and your family can weather this terrible event.
I hope to see you soon.
Yours truly, Millan
Matti Jantunen, Finland

Dear Alexander
Indeed, there cannot be a bigger loss for a man. Our deepest condolences to You and to your family and loved ones. Take all the time you need for your sorrow - answering the more or less urgent e-mails, including this one, should be the least important thing in your mind.
Sincerely, Otto and Matti
Khramtsov Dmitrii, Novosibirsk <khramtso@math.nsc.ru>
August 13, 2004
My vchera uznali o postigshem vas gore. Eto uzhasno, primite nashy iskrennye soboleznovaniya, hotya chto v takom sluchae znachyat slova ... Osobenno, kogda uhodit molodoy, polniy zhizhni chelovek, i tak neozhidanno.
Vchera byli u tvoyikh, pomyanuli Denisa. Tvoya mama derzhitsya, hotya i vidno, chto s trudom. Derzhites' i vy, chto zhe ostayotsya.
Myslenno s vami, DX
Jens Petter Svånå, Oslo, Norway <jens.petter@smartcall.no>
August 15, 2004
Dear Olga and Sasha and Nikita
We  are very sorry and sad about the news about Denis death. We remember his visit here when he was a little boy with you. Vi kondolerer, som vi sier på norsk når noen dør. We did like you said , drank a glass, talked and thought about and prayed for  him.
Best wishes from your friends in Oslo.
Jens and family 
Malvin Fonnes, Bergen, Norway <Malvin.Fonnes@krr.uib.no>
August 15, 2004

Dear Olga, Sasha and Nikita!
We are praying for the soul of Denis and we are praying for you to be given strength.
We are together with you in your sorrow!
Malvin and Sylvelin
Stanislav & Valentina Kirillovy, USA  <svkirill@sas.upenn.edu>
August 16, 2004
Dorogie Olya, Sasha, Nikita,
Uznali o postigshei Vas tragedii- gibeli Denica. Skorbim vmeste s Vami.
Eto tak uzhasno nespravedlivo choronit svoego sina, nevozmozhno poverit, chto eto sluchilos. Net slov cho bi virazit Vam nashe uchastie, samoe strashnoe,
chto mi bessilni v chem to pomoch i izmenit sluchivsheesya. No nado kak to vistoyat, Vas troe, derzhites drug druga.
Pust zemlya budet puchom Denisu.
Vashi Valya i Stas.
Irina Muhina, Canada <imuhina@exchangesolutions.net>
August 26, 2004

Moget byt on byl slishkom horoshiy dlya nashey gizni ?
Moget ego zabrali tuda gde emu luchshe chem s nami ?
Olya ty spravishsya, ne ishi viny - zdes' net viny.
Eto bogiya volya. ON TAK RESHIL. Nam ne ponyat' nikogda - nado postarat'sya prinyat' i git' dal'she.
Eto nashe ispytanie i nash krest. I nikto he moget pomoch, tol'ko tvoya vnutryannay sila, vera i mudrost. Prosti menya za sovety i pishi mne hot' inogda.
I vse vremya dumay o tebe...      
Natalia Lukina, Moscow <lukina@cepl.rssi.ru>
September 1, 2004

Olenka, dorogaia, zdravstvyi,
Kak ty, Sasha, Nikita? Znau, seichas ochen tiazhelo. Vse vremia dumau o vas.
Takaia sudba y Denisa, a vam nado zhit dalshe, i ne tolko radi Nikity, no i radi sebia.
Kazhdaja zhizn bescenna: Denisa, Nikity, tvoia, Sashina.
Denis prozhil ochen jarkuiu, no ochen-ochen korotkuiu zhizn, s etim nichego ne podelaesh, eto ot vas ne zaviselo, vy  mogli tolko dat' emu zhizn, no ne mogli opredelit' prodolzhitelnost'. Vy mozhete i budete pomnit ego. On budet zhit' poka zhivy vse vy, kto ego lubit.
Vy - molodye i silnye i vy vse vmeste. Seichas ty, navernoe, eto ne vosprimesh, no, kak eto ne stranno zvuchit iz moih ust, zhizn ostaetsia prekrasnoi i udivitelnoi dazhe posle poteri ochen blizkih nam ludei. Ia seichas eto ponimau.
U menia seichas  vse  v polosku: byvaet kak nakatit..., a byvaet kogda ia ochen ostro vosprinimau kazhduiu meloch i  raduius'  vsemu .
Poterpite, Olenka, tolko ne zagoniaite sebia raznymi plohimi mysliami.
Vy esche tozhe budete radovat'sia zhizni.
Beregite drug druga.
Ia vas ochen lublu i Ia vsegda s vami.
Sait Abdulkarimov, Alma-Ata, Kazahstan <sait@kisc.kz>
September 3, 2004
Primite nashe iskrennee soboleznovanie.
Dlya nas eto bilo shokom. 15 sent. obyazatel`no pomyanem Denisa.
U Vas est` dom, rabota, druz`ya, Nikitka, nado dzit` dal`she I pomnit` o Denise. Krepites`.
Vozmodzno uvidimsya v okt. 2005 goda, esli nichego ne izmenitsya.
Vashi druz`ya Mariyam, Sait
Markus Keller, Zurich, Switzerland <markus.keller@wsl.ch>
September 6, 2004
Dear Olga, dear Alexander, dear Nikita
I wanted to write you  about our summerholydays and our daily life, when I read your mail about Dennis death this morning.
I'm shocked, deeply touched,  without words.
I knew Dennis not personally. But in your mails you described him so well with your typical mixture of motherly affection and  irony, showing how much you enjoyed watching him to find his way in life, that I have a very good picture of him.
I know what this loss means to you and your family and what all of you are going through in these weeks. The loss of a child and a brother is one of the hardest blows one has to suffer in life. I wish you all the strength to overcome this terrible event, not to get lost in your grief, and to settle back slowly to a very different life again.
Take special care of Nikita, he must learn that speaking about ones feelings brings back very sad moments, but this is the only way to overcome this terrible experience. Let me tell Nikita, that for all the years he can think of, he had in Dennis  a nice fellow and wonderful brother, something not everyone in the world  is fortunate enough to experience in his life. And that he should take this positive image of Dennis as a guideline to his own future life.
My family and me, we are all sad. Our thoughts and our mind is with all of you.
If we can be of any help to you and your family do not hesitate to call us. Anytime, anywhere.
With deep affection
Markus, Susan, Eva & Gina
Marina Sukhoroslova, Moscow <msukh@gcnet.ru>
September 14, 2004

Vse utro dumau o tebe: vidimo est' chto-to takoe, chto svazivaet nas na rasstoianii... A tut ti napisala. Derjis', ia daje ne znau, chto tebe i govorit' v takoi situatsii. Povtoriau: priezjai, kogda zahochesh', esli budet vozmojnost', sili i jelanie, mojet bit', ia smogu hot' nemnogo oblegchit' tvou bol'. Ia nikak ne smogu k tebe priehat', detei real'no ne smogu poka ostavit', problem u mena massa, no vse eto nichto riadom s tvoimi, ia tol'ko posle tvoego zvonka poniala, chto vse ostal'noe - erunda. Nastya mne govorit: "Mama, ti pochemu plachesh', eto ved' ne tvoi sin?"  A ia ne mogu, tak bol'no... Prosti...
Tseluiu. Marina
17 Aug 2004
Leonid Popruzhko, Polyarnye Zori

Dear Aleksandr!
Seichas uznal o postigshem Vas gore. Potemnelo v glazah. Soboleznuiu i skorblu. Budte muzhestvenni, nado jit dalshe.
Ia pomolus gospodu za Denisa i Vas.
16 Aug 2004
Artash Aloyan, Moscow

Dorogie Sasha, Olya i Nikita:
Eshche raz primite nashi globokie soboleznovonaiya po povodu tyazheloy utraty.
Slova malo pomogut goryu.... Skazat' slovami to, chto gluboko perezhivaesh v dushe, ochen trudno.
Krepites', dorogie.
Artash, Rita, Karina.
16 Aug 2004
Alexandr Kuchin, Polyarnye Zori

Дорогие Александр, Ольга и Никита,
Примите мои соболезнования, как тяжело перенести такое...
Мужества Вам.
Alexandr Kuchin
15 Aug 2004
Larissa Nazarenko, New.York, US

Dorogie Olga, Sasha i Nikita!
My vyrazhaem vam nashe soboleznovanie i sochuvstvie v takom deistvitel'no nichem nevospolnimom gore. Esli by mozhno kat-to pomoch' vam, no ... Seichas tol'ko vremia lechit, da i to s trudom. Iskrenne zhelaem vam naiti v sebe sily i postarat'sia preodolet' etot neozhidannyi etap v vashei zhizni.
Skorbim s vami i vsegda budem pomnit' Denisa,
Larissa & Kolia
10 Aug 2004
Vsevolod Koshkin, Apatity, Russia